
From Canadia With Love

A quick glance over to the right of this page will show that I haven't posted a single one time in 2011. It's September. Now that simply isn't good enough, is it?

If truth be told, I've lacked the inspiration to put fingers to keyboard for the last year or so. I last posted in October 2010 when I was living amongst the Welsh in central Cardiff. The Canadian was a-learning and yours truly was a-working. That job was one of the weirdest of my life, and deserves a blog all of its own. I met some of the strangest people, some of the cruellest people and some of the most moronic people I have ever had the (dis)pleasure to - and that was just the management. Trust me, this is not bitterness. I had quite a decent experience. I'll just have to explain more another time.

Anyway, we left the UK in early July and travelled westwards to the United Republic of Canadia. Here, I have gained 10 pounds, learnt to drive a ride mower, rocked a fitted and met a retarded raccoon. It has been a hell of a summer. And it's nearly over.

Korea beckons once more, and my Canadian and I will once more fly west to teach English in the east. 1 more year of Asian adventure awaits and we couldn't be more excited. The E-2 visa process is nearly over for one more year (one that hasn't been much less eventful than last time) and we are counting down our last few days in Canada. Exactly what our role and location in Korea will be, I won't share yet. Simply because so much as gone wrong already that I'm not going to presume we're home and dry until we're actually home and dry. But all in good time, my friends.

Anyway, it is great to be back and I will definitely be keeping this updated as we navigate through our latest adventure.


Love, Smithy x


A.T. Post said...

He's back!

Aw come on, man. You can't leave us in suspense like that. I wanna know where you're going in Korea and what the hell you think you're doing.

...especially since it now looks like I won't be over there until bloody November.

Smithy said...

All in good time my good man...all in good time.

Nate said...

I've missed reading your blog dude!

Jane Jones said...

CANADAAAAA!!!!! haha, it's a nice place, i guess, sometimes, maybe once in a while, if that doesn't bother y'all.